Saturday, January 2, 2010

Health Notes

1. Low vitamine D levels linked to depression in Heart patients.
2.Know the numbers:
Put you at risk of metabolic syndrome.
a). A waist circumference greater tha 35 for women and 40 inches for men. b).Trigleride levels: Levels higher than 150 mgs per deciliter c) HDL lower than 40mg/dl
d).BP over 120/80 e) Blood sugar levels over 100mg/dl.
3.Surfing the web can Boost Brainpower.
4.Regular workouts help lower stress,improve sleep and increase levels of neurotransmitter that improve mood.
5.Better Brain Resolutions:
a)Do something new and good for yourself every day. B)Play C)think more criticallyDLearn to meditateE)stabilize your circadian rhythmsF)mentally activeG)Get vigorous exercise every day H)eat nutritious ,low fat food