Sunday, August 24, 2008


Individuals with high levels of Good cholesterol ( HDL) have less loss of memory than people with low level of HDL. Use of statins to lower the cholesterol have no effect on memory according to "Arteriosclerosis,thromosis and vascular biology".

Eat flavanoid rich foods and beverages to maintain sharp memory.
2.vegetables and vegetable juices( green peppers,spinach,red cabbage,parsley,celery,carrots,tomatoes and red onions)
3.Fruits and fruit juices( citrus fruits,apples,peaches and cherries)
4.Green tea
5.Red wine or beer ( two drinks per day)
6.Chocolate(dark chocolates is richer in flavonoids than milk chocolate) in small amounts.
(mind,mood &memory)
High doses of Vitamin C (1000mg) and Vit E.(800 I.U) aid memory in people with type 2 diabetes who eat high fatty meals according to canadian researchers.

1 comment:

Arunima said...

reading post lunch. Feel like having some fruit juice.